Tuesday, October 20, 2009

365+ days

Maybe I should rename this blog the 'Lazarus Project' or 'Reanimated Flesh' or the 'Robert Downey, Jr." or some other name that indicates that this blog has been lingering in the beyond for over a year now - but we're back, baby. Last year around this time, I was getting all weepy and motivated by books about people more inspiring than me. I set some goals and for the most part, those goals are still on track, though it may be time to let the Olympic dream die. I took up running and have a legitimate running-related injury to show for it. I got a new job with a fancy-pants title and our house came down with a case of termites that developed into a full blown floor replacement.

Oh, and I thought I'd try and write a comic.

My super talented friend Gabriel (what can I say, us super talented types tend to hang together) and I started chit chatting about comic books one day. I was into manga and he was into the American stuff. Over the past year there has been some of this, "We should make a comic." and "Yeah, totally." But there was very little of this, *sounds of people writing and drawing a comic*...

Until last week. Shit started to get serious. I got an idea, G sent sketches, we've been talking logistics, and suddenly our idea has picked up a little legitimacy the way one might pick up a little case of swine flu. It could pass in 7 - 14 days, it could kill us. Either way, I think we are sick.

I'll be posting excerpts from the story line that I am working on as well as linking to photographs and other things that may be of interest to you if you decide to read our soon-to-be-real webcomic. I'll level with you and fess up - I have no idea what I am doing. I've never written more than a short story before and now I am going to try and do a little world creation in my spare time. There may have been an intermediate step that I missed. It's ambitious and terrifying and I hope that you will follow along and let us know what you think.

stranger in a strange land

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